RAID, an abbreviation for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk, is included in most of the CPU machines. It is a collection of small, inexpensive hard drives in the form of an array. It increases the system performance and makes data recovery easy.

Performance of RAID depends on the collection of hard drives it has. The most common forms of RAID are:

RAID 0: The system divides the file to be stored into fixed length fragments and writes it on a certain number of RAID set.

RAID 1: Here, the system writes all the data on two disks, thereby maintaining two sets of a single file. Therefore, any damage to one set will not hamper the read and write operation of the other set.

RAID 0+1: It combines the features of both the systems. The system first divides and then mirrors the data to both the drives, thus creating two copies of the same file.

RAID 5: It uses the same technique as RAID 1 and also includes the parity bits with every disk, rather than writing it to just one bit. Parity bit indicates error correction. In case of RAID 1, if one disk fails, all the data suffers damage. While using RAID 5, you can recover data from other disks using parity bits.

The best way to recover your data from a damaged RAID is to hire experts. They can safely extract your data using high-end technology and programs. If your hard disk makes a clicking sound every now and then, your magnetic disk is being damaged with every click. You cannot extract data from this area of memory.

If one drive from RAID 5 suffers damage, you can still recover data because of its redundancy feature. However, if you have RAID 0, you will lose your data permanently. So, use RAID system according to your need and requirement.

By lita

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