Sandy Hook computer science teacher nominated for national award


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NEWTOWN — An 8-12 months veteran educator who teaches technologies and computer science at Sandy Hook Elementary Faculty has been nominated for the nation’s highest award in her subject.

Kathleen Gombos, the principal of Sandy Hook school, claimed Mauro was singled out mainly because she “truly understands how critical authentic-earth connections and engagement are to students’ learning.”

“Students are cost-free to be modern and encouraged to educate a single a further,” Gombos explained “Thanks to Ms. Mauro the SHS media heart is truly a magical place for students to master and expand.”

Mauro, who teaches technological innovation and computer system science to kindergarten through fourth graders, joins nominees from 50 states and U.S. territories to contend for the presidential award and a trip to Washington, D.C.

Honored with Mauro are Patricia Hahn, a next-quality instructor from Parkville Community University in Hartford, and Christopher Messier, a sixth-quality math and science instructor at Heart School in Ellington.

“They epitomize the impressive educators we have right here in Connecticut and the importance of our endeavours to have interaction college students in STEM fields beginning at a youthful age,” said Schooling Commissioner Charlene Russell-Tucker in a organized assertion.

By lita