The MBLEX certification exam has become the exam of choice for new massage therapy graduate students, who are seeking certification in order to get their massage therapy license. The MBLEX is more and more becoming accepted in more states across the United States and ” the exam” for up and coming body workers and future massage therapists. The MBLEx is enticing for several reasons. First its a multiple choice type of exam, and sound and well-rounded type of certification exam, as well as being the most economical of the exams that are offered.
Having said that, the MBLEx is by no means a cheap test to take or fail. Many massage therapy graduate students think they will be able to just waltz in and pass without any preparation or review. Like anything else in life, you must prepare, review your study notes, maybe even go back and take a refresher course or even a good massage therapy study guide. I have seen way too many people frustrate themselves, waste money, waste time for the simple reason on not preparing. The MBLEx is an excellent choice, in my opinion the best choice but a choice you must prepare for. I like to point people in the direction of online study guides that have repeatedly trouble failing or not passing their massage exam. The study guides can be very helpful and resourceful way for some people to pass their test. Try to find one that’s online, for the MBLEx is taken on a computer. Some people who study in books don’t get that added benefit of an online study guide if they are looking at a book.
The MBLEx also has a time limit on taking the test of four hours. I suggest you don’t over analyze each question and go on your first gut instinct for each question. Also, take your time, four hours is a long time, no need to rush. There is also an exam fee of $195.00 to take the exam, and this fee must be paid again in full for each time you don’t pass the exam. So its crucial that you pass the exam, or it can get pretty costly. I hope this will help many people seeking their massage certification as well as their massage license in the state they reside in for a great and long career in therapeutic massage, where you be doing a great and noble career in helping people feel and live better lives.