Office of Information Technology welcomes new network infrastructure director


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Portrait of Peter JurhsThe Office of Information Technology is pleased to welcome Peter Jurhs back to Boise State University as Director, Network Infrastructure Services.

Jurhs previously worked in OIT’s Customer Care department for 14 years before leaving the university in 2014 for an opportunity with the Nampa School District.

“I’m excited to welcome Peter back to OIT,” said Brian Bolt, assistant vice president and deputy CIO. “His valuable leadership skills and history of building relationships will significantly benefit Boise State.”

As Executive Director of Operations for Nampa School District, Jurhs’ quick-thinking response to a severe ransomware attack resulted in a relatively brief period of downtime for district staff and students. He also organized a smooth transition to remote computing during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For Jurhs, the decision to return to Boise State was the result of the right opportunity at the right moment. “It was time to do something different. New adventures are always fun for me, and in this new position I’ll get to learn about a variety of hardcore technologies while building upon the robust network infrastructure foundation that already exists. At the same time, Boise State is a place that’s familiar to me and feels like home.”

By lita