It is difficult to say whether computer viruses and spyware are a bigger threat to our computer’s health than registry corruption is in today’s computing world. Definitely, there was a time there was no question it was the computer virus that was our biggest concern, but now things are changing.

Registry corruption is a relatively new concern to computer owners. Probably the reason for this is two-fold. First, before virus and spyware cleaners were as advanced as they are today, we had all we could handle keeping our computers free of these parasites. Second, Windows 95 and 98 were tiny compared to Windows XP and Vista and so registry corruption just didn’t affect computers the same way it does today.

Is registry corruption really a major concern, where does it come from and how exactly do we deal with it? This article talks about all these things and will dispel of the myths about registry corruption.

Operating System Invaders

Whenever we install a new program or driver on our computer, we add many, maybe even hundreds of thousands of entries to our registry. When this program or driver is deleted or even upgraded, these entries, though they are no longer used, still remain in place in the registry. These entries are a type of registry corruption because they make the operating system work harder to get where it needs to go.

Another kind of registry corruption is added to our registries when we surf the Net. This is the temporary computer files that remain after we are through surfing. After these files are deleted, their registry entries remain.

Believe it or not viruses, spyware, adware and all the other kinds of malware, though they are unwanted programs, are viable software programs so, when they are removed, they too leave registry corruption behind.

It is important to realize this registry corruption wears on your computer’s operating system. It taxes the OS by giving it more work to do as it lumbers through all these false pointers registry corruption is made of. This of course, will slow down computer operations greatly and after a while it will cause the computer to crash.

What To Do About Registry Corruption

The problem is our software and drivers and everything else we deal with in today’s computing world are much, much larger than they were just a few years ago. So, it stands to reason that registry corruption is a much, much bigger concern than it was a few years ago, as well. So, a lot of corruption in an operating system will definitely cause a lot of problems!

Getting rid of registry corruption is as easy as having a good registry cleaner installed on your computer. To remain free of corruption, you should run the registry cleaner once a week or so and after your virus and or spyware cleaner has removed a virus or spyware. To run at peak efficiency, a computer must be free of spyware/viruses and registry corruption.

By lita

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