It is said, “The only thing constant is change”. This is true particularly when it comes to technology. Under the robust IT scenario that prevails today, it is essential for IT professionals to validate their expertise with various Microsoft products and technologies to stand at the winning edge of their career. Earning a Microsoft Certification helps you stay up to date with the most recent Microsoft products and platforms in addition to endorsing your specific job-related expertise and technical problem-solving skills.
One can understand ‘MCP Certification’, or ‘Microsoft Certified Professional’, as a general term that refers to every type of Microsoft certifications, which will also include Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), the Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA), Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) and Certified IT Professional (MCITP). By passing any one of these certifying exams, you can call yourself an MCP.
The first step to qualify yourself for MCP is to precisely identify which MCP exam you’d prefer to take. Though you might ultimately end up taking a number of such exams in course of your career, it is always advisable to determine which ones will best suit your interests and career to decide the order of preference. Microsoft’s website offers information about each of the exams launched by the organisation.
If you feel you are not quite sure as to which MCP certification exam will be useful to you, the FAQ section on the website will assist you in determining the path best suited for you. Excepting the Microsoft Certified Master program, there is no essential prerequisite to take the MCP certifying examination. However, it is essential that you have a real time experience with the given product or technology relevant for your examination.
Each of the listed MCP exams has a specific preparation guide. Once you have selected the MCP certification, you must finally register to appear for the exam online at the Prometric website. All MCP exams are offered and administered by a testing company called Prometric. Usually the price of an MCP exam is around $125.00 per exam.